Software Quality Assurance Test Cycles

This blog post will discuss a Software Quality Assurance Test Cycle, how they track testing efforts, why they are important for developing high-quality software products, and more! Read on to learn about Software QA test cycles.

What is a Software Quality Assurance Test Cycle?

A Software Quality Assurance Test Cycle is a set of planned and structured tests that are performed on software to ensure it meets the requirements. A test cycle can be thought of as an experiment where quality assurance testers verify the product under various conditions.

By including these test cycles in your development process, you can reduce product defects and increase customer satisfaction with your products.

Basic Approach and Benefits of using Test Cycles in your Development Process

Including test cycles as part of your development process has several benefits, including:

-Ensuring the product is tested thoroughly before release

-Reducing defects and improving customer satisfaction

-Helping to identify gaps in testing coverage

-Allowing you to track the progress of your testing efforts

-Reducing the need for additional testing post-release

How are Testing Efforts tracked for Test Cycles?

Testing efforts are tracked in test cycles to ensure that all testing is completed and accounted for. Test cycles help to identify which tests have been run, what the results were, and whether or not the software meets the requirements.

This information is important for two reasons: first, it allows you to track the progress of your testing efforts; and second, it helps you to identify any gaps in your testing coverage.

By identifying gaps in your testing coverage, you can focus your efforts on completing those tests in future test cycles. This will help you to ensure all of the requirements are met and that the software is ready for release.

Why is tracking testing efforts important in Test Cycles?

Software Products should be tested thoroughly to ensure they are defect-free before being released or deployed, as this will improve the user’s experience with your product. By tracking testing efforts for test cycles you can make sure all bugs have been found and resolved, which also reduces the need for additional testing post-release.

By including test cycles in your development process, you can ensure the product is tested thoroughly before being released to customers or made available to users. This will help you reduce defects and increase customer satisfaction with your products.

How to increase the speed of test cycles?  

Following is a list of software testing best practices your QA team should follow to increase the speed of test cycles.  

  • Organizing Quality Control test cases correctly.  
  • Minimize the data creation time by creating test data directly in the database.  
  • Leverage AccelaTest’s hybrid approach to testing.  
  • Avoid testing test cases one after another. Make use of parallel testing.   
  • Utilize a modular approach to handle and manage test cases.   
  • Follow the testing levels in the test pyramid.  
  • Communicate often with the QA team.  
  • Figure out the correct parameters.  
  • Figure out the test cases that require automation.  
  • Utilize testing tools. 


If you are looking to improve the quality of your software products, consider using test cycles as part of your development process. By doing so, you can ensure that all requirements are met and that the product is ready for release.